XXIV International Conference Living and Walking in Cities - PEDESTRIANS, URBAN SPACES AND HEALTH

12 - 13 September 2019, Brescia (Italy)


The International Conference “LIVING AND WALKING IN CITIES” (LWC) traditionally looks at different themes concerning the quality of life in urban areas. The goal of this event is to gather researchers, road users, administrators, technicians, city representatives and experts aiming to discuss problems that affect the safety of pedestrians in the city, especially of children and persons with reduced mobility. The conference attracts practitioners and researchers where they can find detailed presentations on policy issues, best practices and research findings across the broad spectrum of urban and transport planning. The conference covers international issues, national and local policies and the implementation of projects at the local level.

The conference presents a great opportunity for networking and forming career-spanning professional relationships. Although sessions at the Conference can be challenging in discussing matters of policy at the highest level, they can also provide good,

basic education and training opportunities. It is a conference for all stakeholders at all levels of experience. As transport practitioners and researchers throughout Europe are responding to the challenges of economic growth, social and demographic changes, the need to become more sustainable, “Living and Walking in cities” provides a forum to present and discuss all robust and affordable responses. Planners and practitioners are being asked to improve and retrofit towns, transportation infrastructure and public spaces. They are finding solutions for resilience in the face of threats posed by climate change, energy and infrastructure security; At the same time, they need to develop hard and soft measures to improve the safety of walking and cycling which affects health and fitness.


Walking experiences

  • Network and infrastructure to improve pedestrian mobility

  • Green infrastructures / Public transport

  • Soft mobility and perception of the urban landscape

Urban spaces and Redevelopment

  • Walkability and Redevelopment

  • Pleasant and attractive Public spaces

  • Promoting Healthy Cities

Healthy cities as Urban resilience

    • Sustainable and resilient Urban spaces

Healthy cities for Weakest users

    • Pedestrian Road Safety

    • Healthy Cities for All


Download here the final program of the XXIV edition of the conference


Download here the members of Scientific Committee and Organization


Download here the list of Sponsorship and Patronage


Pedestrians, Urban spaces and Health

Proceedings of the XXIV International Conference on Living and Walking in Cities (LWC 2019), September 12-13, 2019, Brescia, Italy

Maurizio Tira, Michèle Pezzagno and Anna Richiedei

CRC Press - Taylor and Francis Group, London

Published September 1, 2020

Reference - 278 Pages

ISBN 9781003027379

Link of Proceedings