Living and Walking in Cities


 XXVII International Conference  LWC 2025, 11-12 September 2025, Brescia (Italy) 

The LWC International Conference is organised by CeSCAM (the Friendly City Study Centre for Safety Mobility) of the University of Brescia, Italy. The LWC International Conference traditionally deals with the topics of urban mobility and quality of life in urban areas, with a specific focus on vulnerable road users. The LWC Conference allows researchers, experts, administrators, and practitioners to gather and discuss policy issues, best practices and research findings from different perspectives: transport planning, urban planning and their synergic integration into urban mobility planning.



Conference topics

Keynote speaker

Prof. Angela Barbanente

Politecnico di Bari

Prof. Cinzia Cirillo

University of Maryland

Prof. Graham Currie

Monash University

How to submit - Full paper requirements

In order to be selected, full papers should observe the following requirements:

Full papers will be selected through a double-blind peer review process. 

Publication opportunity and Best Paper Award

LWC Conference proceedings will be published in the Springer Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering book series (with ISBN and DOI). As with previous conferences, excellently selected papers will be published in special issues of Infrastructures (EISSN 2412-3811), TeMA (ISSN 1970-9870) and European Transport/Trasporti Europei (ISSN 1825-3997) journals.

As in the previous edition, the LWC Conference will award the best paper from each of the Conference Research Topics, as well as an overall Best Paper Award for the entire conference (500 CFU).

Key deadlines and Further authors instruction

Only one presentation per speaker is allowed, and at least one registration is mandatory for the contribution to be included in the Conference Agenda. Only papers presented during the conference will be included in the conference proceedings.

The organization will be managed through the EasyChair platform. 

Download here the last version of the Call for Abstract

Updated at 02.01.2025

Conference fee

Conference fees include conference attendance, proceedings costs, coffee breaks, lunches, and social dinner.


Early-bird registration: 300 €                   Late registration: 400 €

Young academics (under 35) 

Early-bird registration: 200 €                   Late registration: 250 €

Short program (draft)

Thursday 11th September 2025

Friday 12th September 2025


With the collaboration of

Supporting publications (Under definition)

Under the sponsorship and patronage of (Under definition)